In Sant Joan d’Alacant, in the Plaza de La Ordana, is celebrated on Saturday Ramblero, coinciding with the national calendar on Avenida Jaume I, Children’s Games are installed early in the afternoon to enjoy the little ones, the evening is also enlivened with entertainment, musical groups and dances, which encourage the audience, I find that it accommodates all ages, from the youngest, young and adults. The municipality in collaboration with the Festeras Associations of the municipality organizes the “Costume Contest” and subsequent snack to participants. A catwalk is placed where all attendees who wish and who come dressed up, can parade and participate in the contest, rewarding those more original or fun costumes depending on several different categories.

For two years now, on Saturday morning, Mardi Grass has begun to be celebrated with good reception. It is a parade through the streets of the center of the municipality enlivened with live music and dances. It ends at Plaza de La Ordana where all the people gather to enjoy a live concert.
This is one of the most popular festivals not only in Sant Joan d’Alacant but throughout the province of Alicante. This festivity comes together year after year filling the streets with fantasy and joy with music, activities and many costumes. From the Town Hall of Sant Joan d’Alacant we try to enhance, care and develop day by day this rich intangible heritage so that future generations can continue celebrating and enjoying this holiday.

Did you know that...?
This festivity is documented since the Middle Ages and has been adapted to the different times, regimes and socioeconomic situations of each region from its origins to the celebration in its current form. It is a sum of different pagan festivals associated with Christian celebrations, in this case Lent, because it takes place immediately before Christian Lent so the date of its celebration can vary between February and March.
The carnival party combines elements such as costumes, parades and outdoor parties being a period in which rules are relaxed and there is a greater permissiveness and even a certain lack of control.
In Spain, it is a holiday with a rich personality that has been collected in Spanish literature and other arts located in the different municipalities of the national territory. With a more recent history and approach, the Cadiz and Tenerife models who enjoy the category of Festival of International Tourist Interest are known with international rank. In almost all models of Spanish carnival festival, have special tradition on Thursday Lardero, called Dijous de Gras in Alicante lands, and Ash Wednesday (celebrated 46 days before Easter).