Fabraquer Festivals
The Fabraquer festivities open the strong festive period that precedes the Christ festivities. They are celebrated in this picturesque enclave of the orchard on the first and second weekend of August in honor of the Virgin of the Rosary, organized by the Fabraquer festival commission and the collaboration of the town councils of Sant Joan d’Alacant and El Campello, since the game is divided between both municipalities.

Originally the festivals were celebrated around the hermitage of the Abril estate since the 19th century, however, when the hermitage was included in the fence of the estate and closed to the public, the neighbors were left without a place of worship and their festivals were interrupted.
However, in 1966 the residents of Fabraquer recovered their festival thanks to the enthusiasm of everyone who decided to celebrate them as in the past. A new festival commission was created in charge of organizing the events. The festivities began again with the attendance and participation of numerous residents of Sant Joan; The new image of the Virgin of the Rosary was even carved in 1970 by the Blanco brothers.

However, despite the efforts, the festival was interrupted very shortly after, and we had to wait until 1981 to recover it, a date since which it has been celebrated until now, fortunately. In those years the events were definitively consolidated, having as main stages, in addition to the Camino de Marco, the hermitage of La Merced and the municipal sports center of Sant Joan.

In 1991, a new hermitage was built by the neighbors to be able to celebrate the weekly worship there and, of course, to be able to celebrate various festive events. Since then, it has been one of the most typical elements of Fabraquer and one of its most representative buildings.
Currently, the main events include the proclamation of the pilgrimages, parades, brotherhood meals, and the central events such as the pilgrimage with the Virgin of the Rosary along the path that crosses this enclave of La Huerta, an event with a clear flavor and typicality. orchard