House of Culture
Auditorium: with capacity for 500 people (it is used for theatrical programming, concerts, events, congresses, cinema, exhibitions, festivals and deliveries of borders of the Educational Centers of the municipality.
Conference room: with capacity for 50 people, equipped with audiovisual means, it is used for workshops, conferences, presentation books, press conferences and informative talks.
Exhibition hall: called Pablo Lao Hall.
Performing arts and circus hall: for theatre and circus workshops, as well as the rehearsals of the various amateur groups in the municipality.
Plastic Arts Hall: space for teaching Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics and Crafts workshops.
Dance hall: space for ballet and dance workshops.
Multipurpose room: space reserved for various workshops such as Taichí, preparation for childbirth, breastfeeding, ballroom dancing.
Auditorium of the Musical Society La Paz: located in an annex to the auditorium, it is equipped for the rehearsals of the musicians of the Society.

House of Culture

Facade House of Culture
Municipal Council of Culture: The Municipal Council of Culture of Sant Joan d’Alacant is a participatory body, through which the different groups and/or people related to the cultural sector of the municipality can find a suitable forum to channel their opinions, suggestions, needs, problems, proposals, initiatives, and concerns, and that these can be taken into account when making municipal decisions that may affect them, as well as join efforts to monetize the work done in pursuit of common objectives.
The Municipal Council of Culture was constituted on March 16, 2015, the members of the Council ceased in their entirety with the renewal of the corporation. Work is currently under way to convene new members of the Council.
Five permanent working committees have been established:
1. Plastic and visual arts. Audiovisual, film and photography.
2. Performing arts and circus.
3. Music.
4. Letters and comics.
5. Cultural heritage and popular culture.
Contests and Exhibitions
National Painting Contest Vila de Sant Joan d’Alacant. XLIX Edition
Sant Joan d’Alacant Film Festival. XVI Edition on Short Films with the Certificate of Quality Short Film Festivals 2016 by the Association of the Short Film Industry (AIC)
Festival of Narrative Bonfire Plaza Maisonnave. X Edition
National Photography Contest Vila de Sant Joan d’Alacant. III Edition
Exhibition of Greco-Latin Theatre. I Edition
Congresses Students of the UMH
Congress of Students of Physiotherapy
Congress of Students of Pharmacy
Occupational Therapy Students’ Congress
Congress of Students of Podiatry
Cultural agenda: Currently programming is done bimonthly and is usually published on the website of the City Council, Tourism and paper format, ensuring that it is available on the street always at the beginning of the period to which it corresponds.
Cultural workshops
Sociedad Musical La Paz: extraordinary concerts, spring concerts, Santa Cecilia, Christmas, auditions in June and December, summer festivals and the Ignacio Melon Memorial.
Orquesta de Pulso y Púa de Sant Joan: extraordinary concerts, spring concerts, Santa Cecilia, Christmas and summer festivals.
Orfeón de San Juan: extraordinary concerts, spring concerts, Santa Cecilia, Christmas and summer festivals.
Theatrical performances: one to two plays of all the theater groups of the municipality are scheduled throughout the year (Treatre, Kynortion, Lapsus, Miranos, Lloixa Cultural Association and recently created El Gallinero. Also at the end of the course (June), performances of the theatre workshops are usually held.
During the months of July and August the Summer Festivals are held, installing outside the House of Culture, in the heart of Jose Carreras Square, stages to celebrate various official and musical events.
Agreements and collaborations
Agreement with the UMH (Universidad Miguel Hernández)
Agreement with the UA (University of Alicante)
Agreement with con Cruz Roja (transfer of rooms of the House of Culture and Cultural Center)
Collaboration with the Family Care Unit-Dr Esquerdo (assignment of Rooms of the House of Culture and Cultural Center)
Collaboration with the Conservatorio Villa de San Juan (teaching in our facilities on woodwind instruments, metal wind, rubbed string, percussion and piano.
School of Young Creation
The Town Hall of Sant Joan d’Alacant, through the Youth Department, and in accordance with Art. 48 of the Spanish Constitution, which establishes that “the public authorities shall promote the conditions for the free and effective participation of youth in political, social, economic and cultural development”, and with the aim of enhancing the creative capacity of young people, creates the Municipal School of Young Creation.
This Municipal School of Young Creation, which was first launched at the beginning of 2008, arises with the aim of satisfying the creative concerns of the young people of Sant Joan d’Alacant, with the realization of activities related to the plastic arts, stage, musical, audiovisual, etc. Promoting on the one hand, a place of learning, and on the other providing a space for meeting and sharing knowledge in the field of artistic expression, and alternative leisure on weekends.

Alicante Audience Award for Stage 2014 “WONDERFUL”

Musical theatre course
The objectives are:
– To enhance creative capacities among young people in some discipline of artistic expression.
– Promote the participation of young people and promote youth associations in the field of artistic creation.
– To promote a new model to occupy the free time of young people in a more creative way.
– Promote an alternative form of leisure to the usual weekend that is when workshops are developed.

Youth exhibition inside the House of Culture
“We move” is a project of the Department of Youth where the protagonists are young people with diverse capacities who unite with the aim of creating a movement of cooperation, solidarity, creativity, mutual learning and inclusion through the performing arts.
The experience lived through the project is what leads to its use as a resource for raising awareness among young people about the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. In this way, we help one of the most important interests: to disseminate and publicize the project as a tool for the visibility and normalization of functional diversity, promoting respect and acceptance to people with diverse abilities.

Project We Move
We Move + inclusive leisure
We work on an inclusive leisure offer through leisure activities, day or weekend, which in turn have a formative and complementary character in the field of performing arts. During a weekend, activities of improvement of the performing arts are combined with activities of evaluation, dynamization and group cohesion, as well as more recreational activities such as tourist visits to the municipalities where the activity is carried out.