Sant Antoni del Porquet
It is one of the most celebrated festivals in the Valencian Community. Saint Anthony was a 3rd century saint known for his ascetic life in the Egyptian desert, whose life we know from the chronicler Athanasius. His devotion began in the East but moved to the West, being invoked as protector of agricultural tasks and animals because it is said that he took care of them and they obeyed him, which is why he is also represented with a staff, typical clothing of ascetic and the cross of the Tau, with a little pig or boar at his feet. Known for his ascetic life in the Egyptian desert, whose life we ​​know from the chronicler Athanasius. Sant Antoni was also known for his healing power against diseases such as erysipelas, for which numerous hospitals were built under his name throughout Europe throughout the Middle Ages.
In Sant Joan, one of the streets of the old town, possibly dating back to the 18th century, was dedicated to Saint Anthony, without us knowing exactly the reason, but it reflects a special devotion to him. At the entrance to the street there was an arch, in which there would probably be a niche with the image of Saint Anthony. In fact, until the 90s, a small image of the saint could be seen in a niche of a house that is now demolished.

Parade with animals at the Sant Antoni del Porquet festival (Sant Joan d’Alacant)
The greatest period of boom and splendor of the festival occurred in the 19th century, when the festival was celebrated on San Antonio Street with horse races, typical dances, fireworks, brotherhood food and a procession to the saint. However, in the 1920s this tradition disappeared.
It has recently been recovered at the initiative of the residents of San Antonio Street and the cultural association “Els Amuntegats” in a simple and friendly way. Throughout the weekend, various activities, exhibitions, cultural gatherings, correfocs, Valencian pilota, traditional music and dances are held among the residents of San Antonio Street and the cultural association “Els Amuntegats” in a simple and friendly way. The blessing of animals is carried out in the Church, on the Sunday before or following January 17, the saint’s day. All those who wish can come with their animals and after the mass, they are blessed under the gaze of the image of Saint Anthony.

Correfocs for the “Dimonis abraxit” and with music from different groups in the town