Finca La Torreta or Bella Vista
La Torreta in the mid-19th century was owned by the Counts of Soto-Ameno. The current property has undergone numerous expansions and restructurings, the latest consequence being the widening of the road. This public work involved the demolition of several auxiliary buildings and the construction of a new building in the southern part. On the north façade, the noble shield located above the arch of the access door stands out, under the simple balconies on the main floor, with wooden floors and wrought iron parapets.
Pine trees, ficus trees, large palm trees, along with a false pepper tree, accompanied by bushy vegetation, embrace the building to the north of the house. Meanwhile, in the abandoned orchards in the southern part, specimens of carob are still preserved, a species that, together with the olive tree, has become the last testimony of what once were the now forgotten fields of l’Horta d’Alacant. accompanied by bushy vegetation, embrace the building to the north of the house.
Currently, LaTorreta has been converted into a space for events and ceremonies. It is quite an experience to celebrate important events in this noble construction, immersed in an agricultural context, accompanied by the ornamental vegetation of its gardens, less than two kilometers from the sea.