Finca El Espiños
The El Espídos farm It is very close to the Miguel Hernández university campus and the Sant Joan d’Alacant Hospital. The building has a turret-shaped finish and a hipped roof made of flat tiles decorated with ceramic ridges. This construction consists of two floors. Initially, in the lower one were the rooms related to agricultural life, allowing access to the stables and corrals that are unrecognizable today. On the upper floor you would find the noble rooms of the house that have currently been transformed into luxury suite rooms, after the renovation works as a hotel.
Almost nothing remains of the original facades and ornamental elements due to the latest interventions of the last century that have led to the appearance, for example, of a porch with enormous carpanel arches, the arrangement of window openings and the treatment of the carpentry. Regarding the garden, the use of this property as a place of expansion has allowed its conservation, highlighting the pine forest. The chronicler Viravens mentions it in his writings together with the owner, Mr. Pedro García Andreu, in 1876.