Health & Wellness

Our municipality, from its health and social welfare areas, has the mission of promoting the promotion of public health through prevention, information, training and health surveillance, managing its own resources, directing them to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Sant Joan d’Alacant.
Its parks and gardens, hotels and residences invite you to rest and well-being.

Health centers can be searched on our website through the health and well-being tab. We have the health pillars of provincial reference such as the University Hospital of Sant Joan d’Alacant and the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) with the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy, in addition to the Transfusion Center of the Valencian Community and the Health Center.
But the Institute of Neurosciences, dependent on the UMH and the CSIC, is a reference at the European level. Since 1999, the Institute has established itself as a national and international reference center in the field of neuroscience. In 2013, the Institute obtained the accreditation of the Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence and within its team of scientists, it has the following King Jaime I Awards in Basic Research: Carlos Belmonte (1992), Ángela Nieto (2009) and Óscar Marín (2011). ).
The Psychiatric Center and the Anti-Alcoholic Unit are also located in the municipality, the latter two depending on the Provincial Council. Among the community services and health care provision is the San Juan Residential Complex (PSN) and the Railway Pensioners’ Residence, due to their welfare nature. The Municipal Center for the Elderly “Salvador Gosálbez Alberola”, on the contrary, is a socio-cultural reference for this group, with its varied offer of workshops and activities.