The typical cuisine of Sant Joan d’Alacant is based on the products of the land, the Huerta of Alicante, which makes it a combination of varied and healthy products, essence of the Mediterranean diet. During the eighteenth century the farm will be focused mainly on wine production, the fondillón, which was without discussion, the main crop of the Comarca L’Alacantí until its practically disappearance by the phylloxera in the late nineteenth century, by which time, the wines of Alto and Medio Vinalopó begin to emerge. In the traditional cuisine rice is the protagonist in almost all dishes highlighting rice to Alicante, rice with onion and among the vegetable dishes, the olleta. The putxero amb tarongetes remains the dish of great celebrations.
Santjoanera cuisine also includes the products that the Mediterranean provides. Thus, we can taste dishes such as brown rice, lamb with cod, pickled mackerel and even fish cake.
They are also typical charcuterie and butchers that offer us a specialized selection of pork products such as Iberian hams, and in which we can also find a variety of cheeses, salted and preserved.

If we talk about sweets, almonds is a very local product, being found in all desserts: almond cake, almonds and four equal. Another of the typical sweet products made in the workshops of Sant Joan d’Alacant and those of Benimagrell are the rolls and the toña, which with small variations, becomes the monas of the days of Easter.
Also traditional are salted coca such as coca de Sant Joan, coca amb tonyina, coca sardines with tomatoes and peppers and coca amb molletes.
All these exquisite products and dishes can be tasted in the many restaurants of Sant Joan d’Alacant that strive every day to offer the best services and ensure satisfaction for all palates. In this way, Sant Joan becomes a must to enjoy its typical dishes and pastry specialties.

Traditional Cuisine
The typical gastronomy of Sant Joan d’Alacant is based on the products of the land, the Alicante Huerta. During the 18th century, agricultural exploitation was focused mainly on wine production, fondillón, which was without a doubt the main harvest of the L’Alacantí region. In traditional cuisine, rice is the protagonist in almost all dishes, highlighting Alicante-style rice, rice with onion, and among the vegetable dishes, olleta. The putxero amb tarongetes remains the dish of great celebrations.